Thursday, July 21, 2011

OC for Me!

Our family just got back from 2 weeks down the shore!!!Having just sold our Glassboro house with all the hassle that goes along with moving, it couldn't have been better timing! We left Saturday, July 2nd to meet Nan& Pop, Pom & Jason & Tree of course at our rental on St. Charles Place. We didn't waste any time and jumped right into our first game of progressive rummy! (Which we played NON-STOP all vacation.) Our first weekend was 4th of July weekend and we celebrated it with a BBQ and fireworks on the beach! We all sat on a big blanket hoping the tide wouldn't get us until the show was over! Scott played with all the glowsticks Nan brought and randomly went up to my Dad, hugged him around the neck and said, "I Love You, Pop." It was really sweet. Meanwhile, Jeremy was cuddled up with Chris and his iPhone playing Angry Birds.

The next day Keith had to leave for work, but we sure kept busy while he was gone! We had great weather and took adavantage of it spending almost every morning at the beach. It was Scott's first time on the beah EVER! (poor boy has been deproved) I held his hand as he walked onto the beach for the first time because I wanted to see his reaction. He looked down, a little unsure and said, "Water!" Actually it was sand, but at least he was on the right track!!! Sort of... Anyway, he was fearless, digging right into the sand and running down to the "real water." He would come right up to us and say, "I want to see water." And you can't say no to that little chirpy voice, so I didn't do much "relaxing" on the beach, but we had some great naps afterwards! Jeremy on the other hand was TERRIFIED of the water for the first two days. He kept talking about sharks and would scream at the TOP OF HIS LUNGS when Scott would go in. Jess & Jason distracted him with sandcastles and eventually he did go in and of course once he got in, we couldn't get him to come out. By the end of the week, the boys would go in the water together, wearing their spiffy lifejackets and pretend to "swim" (a.k.a. lay on your belly where the water is 2 inches deep and flap your arms.) They really had a blast once we got over the shark attacks.

Like I said, the afternoon was our time to recharge and nap or just chill out. After dinner, we went up to the boardwalk and head to either Wonderland Pier or the Hollywood Arcade. It was a pretty far walk, so the boys usually rode in their red wagon to speed up the trip. We kept them still by letting them out once we passed the "high tower" a.k.a. The Park Place Hotel.